Source code for pgmpy.base.UndirectedGraph

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import itertools

import networkx as nx

[docs]class UndirectedGraph(nx.Graph): """ Base class for all the Undirected Graphical models. UndirectedGraph assumes that all the nodes in graph are either random variables, factors or cliques of random variables and edges in the graphs are interactions between these random variables, factors or clusters. Parameters ---------- data: input graph Data to initialize graph. If data=None (default) an empty graph is created. The data can be an edge list or any Networkx graph object. Examples -------- Create an empty UndirectedGraph with no nodes and no edges >>> from pgmpy.base import UndirectedGraph >>> G = UndirectedGraph() G can be grown in several ways **Nodes:** Add one node at a time: >>> G.add_node('a') Add the nodes from any container (a list, set or tuple or the nodes from another graph). >>> G.add_nodes_from(['a', 'b']) **Edges:** G can also be grown by adding edges. Add one edge, >>> G.add_edge('a', 'b') a list of edges, >>> G.add_edges_from([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')]) If some edges connect nodes not yet in the model, the nodes are added automatically. There are no errors when adding nodes or edges that already exist. **Shortcuts:** Many common graph features allow python syntax for speed reporting. >>> 'a' in G # check if node in graph True >>> len(G) # number of nodes in graph 3 """ def __init__(self, ebunch=None): super(UndirectedGraph, self).__init__(ebunch)
[docs] def add_node(self, node, **kwargs): """ Add a single node to the Graph. Parameters ---------- node: node A node can be any hashable Python object. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import UndirectedGraph >>> G = UndirectedGraph() >>> G.add_node('A') """ super(UndirectedGraph, self).add_node(node, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_nodes_from(self, nodes, **kwargs): """ Add multiple nodes to the Graph. Parameters ---------- nodes: iterable container A container of nodes (list, dict, set, etc.). Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import UndirectedGraph >>> G = UndirectedGraph() >>> G.add_nodes_from(['A', 'B', 'C']) """ for node in nodes: self.add_node(node, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_edge(self, u, v, **kwargs): """ Add an edge between u and v. The nodes u and v will be automatically added if they are not already in the graph Parameters ---------- u,v : nodes Nodes can be any hashable Python object. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import UndirectedGraph >>> G = UndirectedGraph() >>> G.add_nodes_from(['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles']) >>> G.add_edge('Alice', 'Bob') """ super(UndirectedGraph, self).add_edge(u, v, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, ebunch, **kwargs): """ Add all the edges in ebunch. If nodes referred in the ebunch are not already present, they will be automatically added. Parameters ---------- ebunch : container of edges Each edge given in the container will be added to the graph. The edges must be given as 2-tuples (u, v). Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import UndirectedGraph >>> G = UndirectedGraph() >>> G.add_nodes_from(['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles']) >>> G.add_edges_from([('Alice', 'Bob'), ('Bob', 'Charles')]) """ for edge in ebunch: self.add_edge(*edge, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_clique(self, nodes): """ Check if the given nodes form a clique. Parameters ---------- nodes: list, array-like List of nodes to check if they are a part of any clique. """ for node1, node2 in itertools.combinations(nodes, 2): if not self.has_edge(node1, node2): return False return True
[docs] def is_triangulated(self): """ Checks whether the undirected graph is triangulated or not. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import UndirectedGraph >>> G = UndirectedGraph() >>> G.add_edges_from([('x1', 'x2'), ('x1', 'x3'), ('x1', 'x4'), ... ('x2', 'x4'), ('x3', 'x4')]) >>> G.is_triangulated() True """ return nx.is_chordal(self)