Source code for pgmpy.factors.FactorSet

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pgmpy.extern.six.moves import filter, reduce
from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor
from pgmpy.extern import six

[docs]class FactorSet(object): r""" Base class of *DiscreteFactor Sets*. A factor set provides a compact representation of higher dimensional factor :math:`\phi_1\cdot\phi_2\cdots\phi_n` For example the factor set corresponding to factor :math:`\phi_1\cdot\phi_2` would be the union of the factors :math:`\phi_1` and :math:`\phi_2` i.e. factor set :math:`\vec\phi = \phi_1 \cup \phi_2`. """ def __init__(self, *factors_list): """ Initialize the factor set class. Parameters ---------- factors_list: Factor1, Factor2, .... All the factors whose product is represented by the factor set Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> factor_set <pgmpy.factors.FactorSet.FactorSet at 0x7f8e32af6d50> >>> print(factor_set) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f8e32b4c2d0>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7f8e32b4c710>]) """ if not all(isinstance(phi, DiscreteFactor) for phi in factors_list): raise TypeError("Input parameters must be all factors") self.factors = set([factor.copy() for factor in factors_list])
[docs] def add_factors(self, *factors): """ Adds factors to the factor set. Parameters ---------- factors: Factor1, Factor2, ...., Factorn factors to be added into the factor set Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> phi3 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x6', 'x7'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> phi4 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x7', 'x8'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1.add_factors(phi3, phi4) >>> print(factor_set1) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f8e32b4ca10>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x7:2, x8:2) at 0x7f8e4c393690>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f8e32b4c750>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7f8e32b4cb50>]) """ self.factors.update(factors)
[docs] def remove_factors(self, *factors): """ Removes factors from the factor set. Parameters ---------- factors: Factor1, Factor2, ...., Factorn factors to be removed from the factor set Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> phi3 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x6', 'x7'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1.add_factors(phi3) >>> print(factor_set1) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b050>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b250>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b150>]) >>> factor_set1.remove_factors(phi1, phi2) >>> print(factor_set1) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f8e32b4cb10>]) """ for factor in factors: self.factors.remove(factor)
[docs] def get_factors(self): """ Returns all the factors present in factor set. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> phi3 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x6', 'x7'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1.add_factors(phi3) >>> factor_set1.get_factors() {<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f827c0a23c8>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7f827c0a2358>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f825243f9e8>} """ return self.factors
[docs] def product(self, factorset, inplace=True): r""" Return the factor sets product with the given factor sets Suppose :math:`\vec\phi_1` and :math:`\vec\phi_2` are two factor sets then their product is a another factors set :math:`\vec\phi_3 = \vec\phi_1 \cup \vec\phi_2`. Parameters ---------- factorsets: FactorSet1, FactorSet2, ..., FactorSetn FactorSets to be multiplied inplace: A boolean (Default value True) If inplace = True , then it will modify the FactorSet object, if False, it will return a new FactorSet object. Returns -------- If inpalce = False, will return a new FactorSet object, which is product of two factors Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> phi3 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x6', 'x7'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> phi4 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x7', 'x8'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set2 = FactorSet(phi3, phi4) >>> print(factor_set2) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b050>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x7:2, x8:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b690>]) >>> factor_set2.product(factor_set1) >>> print(factor_set2) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f8e32b4c910>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7f8e32b4cc50>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b050>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x7:2, x8:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b690>]) >>> factor_set2 = FactorSet(phi3, phi4) >>> factor_set3 = factor_set2.product(factor_set1, inplace=False) >>> print(factor_set2) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b060>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x7:2, x8:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b790>]) """ factor_set = self if inplace else self.copy() factor_set1 = factorset.copy() factor_set.add_factors(*factor_set1.factors) if not inplace: return factor_set
[docs] def divide(self, factorset, inplace=True): r""" Returns a new factor set instance after division by the factor set Division of two factor sets :math:`\frac{\vec\phi_1}{\vec\phi_2}` basically translates to union of all the factors present in :math:`\vec\phi_2` and :math:`\frac{1}{\phi_i}` of all the factors present in :math:`\vec\phi_2`. Parameters ---------- factorset: FactorSet The divisor inplace: A boolean (Default value True) If inplace = True ,then it will modify the FactorSet object, if False then will return a new FactorSet object. Returns -------- If inplace = False, will return a new FactorSet Object which is division of given factors. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> phi3 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x6', 'x7'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> phi4 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x7', 'x8'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set2 = FactorSet(phi3, phi4) >>> factor_set3 = factor_set2.divide(factor_set1) >>> print(factor_set3) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7f8e32b5ba10>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b650>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b050>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x7:2, x8:2) at 0x7f8e32b5b8d0>]) """ factor_set = self if inplace else self.copy() factor_set1 = factorset.copy() factor_set.add_factors(*[phi.identity_factor() / phi for phi in factor_set1.factors]) if not inplace: return factor_set
[docs] def marginalize(self, variables, inplace=True): """ Marginalizes the factors present in the factor sets with respect to the given variables. Parameters ---------- variables: list, array-like List of the variables to be marginalized. inplace: boolean (Default value True) If inplace=True it will modify the factor set itself, would create a new factor set Returns ------- If inplace = False, will return a new marginalized FactorSet object. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> factor_set1.marginalize('x1') >>> print(factor_set1) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f8e32b4cc10>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2) at 0x7f8e32b4cf90>]) """ if isinstance(variables, six.string_types): raise TypeError('Expected list or array-like type got type str') factor_set = self if inplace else self.copy() factors_to_be_marginalized = set(filter(lambda x: set(x.scope()).intersection(variables), factor_set.factors)) for factor in factors_to_be_marginalized: variables_to_be_marginalized = list(set(factor.scope()).intersection(variables)) if inplace: factor.marginalize(variables_to_be_marginalized, inplace=True) else: factor_set.remove_factors(factor) factor_set.add_factors(factor.marginalize(variables_to_be_marginalized, inplace=False)) if not inplace: return factor_set
def __mul__(self, other): return self.product(other) def __truediv__(self, other): return self.divide(other) def __str__(self): return self.factors.__str__()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a copy of factor set. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> factor_set <pgmpy.factors.FactorSet.FactorSet at 0x7fa68f390320> >>> factor_set_copy = factor_set.copy() >>> factor_set_copy <pgmpy.factors.FactorSet.FactorSet at 0x7f91a0031160> """ # No need to have copies of factors as argument because __init__ method creates copies. return FactorSet(*self.factors)
def factorset_product(*factorsets_list): r""" Base method used for product of factor sets. Suppose :math:`\vec\phi_1` and :math:`\vec\phi_2` are two factor sets then their product is a another factors set :math:`\vec\phi_3 = \vec\phi_1 \cup \vec\phi_2`. Parameters ---------- factorsets_list: FactorSet1, FactorSet2, ..., FactorSetn All the factor sets to be multiplied Returns ------- Product of factorset in factorsets_list Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> from pgmpy.factors import factorset_product >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> phi3 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x6', 'x7'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> phi4 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x7', 'x8'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set2 = FactorSet(phi3, phi4) >>> factor_set3 = factorset_product(factor_set1, factor_set2) >>> print(factor_set3) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7fb3a1933e90>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x7:2, x8:2) at 0x7fb3a1933f10>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7fb3a1933f90>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7fb3a1933e10>]) """ if not all(isinstance(factorset, FactorSet) for factorset in factorsets_list): raise TypeError("Input parameters must be FactorSet instances") return reduce(lambda x, y: x.product(y, inplace=False), factorsets_list) def factorset_divide(factorset1, factorset2): r""" Base method for dividing two factor sets. Division of two factor sets :math:`\frac{\vec\phi_1}{\vec\phi_2}` basically translates to union of all the factors present in :math:`\vec\phi_2` and :math:`\frac{1}{\phi_i}` of all the factors present in :math:`\vec\phi_2`. Parameters ---------- factorset1: FactorSet The dividend factorset2: FactorSet The divisor Returns ------- The division of factorset1 and factorset2 Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.factors import FactorSet >>> from pgmpy.factors import DiscreteFactor >>> from pgmpy.factors import factorset_divide >>> phi1 = DiscreteFactor(['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], [2, 3, 2], range(12)) >>> phi2 = DiscreteFactor(['x3', 'x4', 'x1'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set1 = FactorSet(phi1, phi2) >>> phi3 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x6', 'x7'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> phi4 = DiscreteFactor(['x5', 'x7', 'x8'], [2, 2, 2], range(8)) >>> factor_set2 = FactorSet(phi3, phi4) >>> factor_set3 = factorset_divide(factor_set2, factor_set1) >>> print(factor_set3) set([<DiscreteFactor representing phi(x3:2, x4:2, x1:2) at 0x7f119ad78f90>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x6:2, x7:2) at 0x7f119ad78e50>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x1:2, x2:3, x3:2) at 0x7f119ad78ed0>, <DiscreteFactor representing phi(x5:2, x7:2, x8:2) at 0x7f119ad78e90>]) """ if not isinstance(factorset1, FactorSet) or not isinstance(factorset2, FactorSet): raise TypeError("factorset1 and factorset2 must be FactorSet instances") return factorset1.divide(factorset2, inplace=False)