Source code for pgmpy.independencies.Independencies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools
from pgmpy.extern import six

[docs]class Independencies(object): """ Base class for independencies. independencies class represents a set of Conditional Independence assertions (eg: "X is independent of Y given Z" where X, Y and Z are random variables) or Independence assertions (eg: "X is independent of Y" where X and Y are random variables). Initialize the independencies Class with Conditional Independence assertions or Independence assertions. Parameters ---------- assertions: Lists or Tuples Each assertion is a list or tuple of the form: [event1, event2 and event3] eg: assertion ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] would be X is independent of Y given Z. Examples -------- Creating an independencies object with one independence assertion: Random Variable X is independent of Y >>> independencies = independencies(['X', 'Y']) Creating an independencies object with three conditional independence assertions: First assertion is Random Variable X is independent of Y given Z. >>> independencies = independencies(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], ... ['a', ['b', 'c'], 'd'], ... ['l', ['m', 'n'], 'o']) Public Methods -------------- add_assertions get_assertions get_factorized_product closure entails is_equivalent """ def __init__(self, *assertions): self.independencies = [] self.add_assertions(*assertions) def __str__(self): string = '\n'.join([str(assertion) for assertion in self.independencies]) return string __repr__ = __str__ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Independencies): return False return (all(independency in other.get_assertions() for independency in self.get_assertions()) and all(independency in self.get_assertions() for independency in other.get_assertions())) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def contains(self, assertion): """ Returns `True` if `assertion` is contained in this `Independencies`-object, otherwise `False`. Parameters ---------- assertion: IndependenceAssertion()-object Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies, IndependenceAssertion >>> ind = Independencies(['A', 'B', ['C', 'D']]) >>> IndependenceAssertion('A', 'B', ['C', 'D']) in ind True >>> # does not depend on variable order: >>> IndependenceAssertion('B', 'A', ['D', 'C']) in ind True >>> # but does not check entailment: >>> IndependenceAssertion('X', 'Y', 'Z') in Independencies(['X', 'Y']) False """ if not isinstance(assertion, IndependenceAssertion): raise TypeError("' in <Independencies()>' requires IndependenceAssertion" + " as left operand, not {0}".format(type(assertion))) return assertion in self.get_assertions()
__contains__ = contains
[docs] def get_assertions(self): """ Returns the independencies object which is a set of IndependenceAssertion objects. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies >>> independencies = Independencies(['X', 'Y', 'Z']) >>> independencies.get_assertions() """ return self.independencies
[docs] def add_assertions(self, *assertions): """ Adds assertions to independencies. Parameters ---------- assertions: Lists or Tuples Each assertion is a list or tuple of variable, independent_of and given. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies >>> independencies = Independencies() >>> independencies.add_assertions(['X', 'Y', 'Z']) >>> independencies.add_assertions(['a', ['b', 'c'], 'd']) """ for assertion in assertions: if isinstance(assertion, IndependenceAssertion): self.independencies.append(assertion) else: try: self.independencies.append(IndependenceAssertion(assertion[0], assertion[1], assertion[2])) except IndexError: self.independencies.append(IndependenceAssertion(assertion[0], assertion[1]))
[docs] def closure(self): """ Returns a new `Independencies()`-object that additionally contains those `IndependenceAssertions` that are implied by the the current independencies (using with the `semi-graphoid axioms <>`_; see (Pearl, 1989, `Conditional Independence and its representations <>`_)). Might be very slow if more than six variables are involved. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies >>> ind1 = Independencies(('A', ['B', 'C'], 'D')) >>> ind1.closure() (A _|_ B | D, C) (A _|_ B, C | D) (A _|_ B | D) (A _|_ C | D, B) (A _|_ C | D) >>> ind2 = Independencies(('W', ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])) >>> ind2.closure() (W _|_ Y) (W _|_ Y | X) (W _|_ Z | Y) (W _|_ Z, X, Y) (W _|_ Z) (W _|_ Z, X) (W _|_ X, Y) (W _|_ Z | X) (W _|_ Z, Y | X) [..] """ def single_var(var): "Checks if var represents a single variable" if not hasattr(var, '__iter__'): return True else: return len(var) == 1 def sg0(ind): "Symmetry rule: 'X ⟂ Y | Z' -> 'Y ⟂ X | Z'" return IndependenceAssertion(ind.event2, ind.event1, ind.event3) # since X⟂Y|Z == Y⟂X|Z in pgmpy, sg0 (symmetry) is not used as an axiom/rule. # instead we use a decorator for the other axioms to apply them on both sides def apply_left_and_right(func): def symmetric_func(*args): if len(args) == 1: return func(args[0]) + func(sg0(args[0])) if len(args) == 2: return (func(*args) + func(args[0], sg0(args[1])) + func(sg0(args[0]), args[1]) + func(sg0(args[0]), sg0(args[1]))) return symmetric_func @apply_left_and_right def sg1(ind): "Decomposition rule: 'X ⟂ Y,W | Z' -> 'X ⟂ Y | Z', 'X ⟂ W | Z'" if single_var(ind.event2): return [] else: return [IndependenceAssertion(ind.event1, ind.event2 - {elem}, ind.event3) for elem in ind.event2] @apply_left_and_right def sg2(ind): "Weak Union rule: 'X ⟂ Y,W | Z' -> 'X ⟂ Y | W,Z', 'X ⟂ W | Y,Z' " if single_var(ind.event2): return [] else: return [IndependenceAssertion(ind.event1, ind.event2 - {elem}, {elem} | ind.event3) for elem in ind.event2] @apply_left_and_right def sg3(ind1, ind2): "Contraction rule: 'X ⟂ W | Y,Z' & 'X ⟂ Y | Z' -> 'X ⟂ W,Y | Z'" if ind1.event1 != ind2.event1: return [] Y = ind2.event2 Z = ind2.event3 Y_Z = ind1.event3 if Y < Y_Z and Z < Y_Z and Y.isdisjoint(Z): return [IndependenceAssertion(ind1.event1, ind1.event2 | Y, Z)] else: return [] # apply semi-graphoid axioms as long as new independencies are found. all_independencies = set() new_inds = set(self.independencies) while new_inds: new_pairs = (set(itertools.permutations(new_inds, 2)) | set(itertools.product(new_inds, all_independencies)) | set(itertools.product(all_independencies, new_inds))) all_independencies |= new_inds new_inds = set(sum([sg1(ind) for ind in new_inds] + [sg2(ind) for ind in new_inds] + [sg3(*inds) for inds in new_pairs], [])) new_inds -= all_independencies return Independencies(*list(all_independencies))
[docs] def entails(self, entailed_independencies): """ Returns `True` if the `entailed_independencies` are implied by this `Independencies`-object, otherwise `False`. Entailment is checked using the semi-graphoid axioms. Might be very slow if more than six variables are involved. Parameters ---------- entailed_independencies: Independencies()-object Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies >>> ind1 = Independencies([['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D'], 'E']) >>> ind2 = Independencies(['A', 'C', 'E']) >>> ind1.entails(ind2) True >>> ind2.entails(ind1) False """ if not isinstance(entailed_independencies, Independencies): return False implications = self.closure().get_assertions() return all(ind in implications for ind in entailed_independencies.get_assertions())
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other): """ Returns True if the two Independencies-objects are equivalent, otherwise False. (i.e. any Bayesian Network that satisfies the one set of conditional independencies also satisfies the other). Might be very slow if more than six variables are involved. Parameters ---------- other: Independencies()-object Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies >>> ind1 = Independencies(['X', ['Y', 'W'], 'Z']) >>> ind2 = Independencies(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], ['X', 'W', 'Z']) >>> ind3 = Independencies(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], ['X', 'W', 'Z'], ['X', 'Y', ['W','Z']]) >>> ind1.is_equivalent(ind2) False >>> ind1.is_equivalent(ind3) True """ return self.entails(other) and other.entails(self)
# TODO: write reduce function.
[docs] def reduce(self): """ Add function to remove duplicate Independence Assertions """ pass
[docs] def latex_string(self): """ Returns a list of string. Each string represents the IndependenceAssertion in latex. """ return [assertion.latex_string() for assertion in self.get_assertions()]
def get_factorized_product(self, random_variables=None, latex=False): # TODO: Write this whole function # # The problem right now is that the factorized product for all # P(A, B, C), P(B, A, C) etc should be same but on solving normally # we get different results which have to be simplified to a simpler # form. How to do that ??? and also how to decide which is the most # simplified form??? # pass
[docs]class IndependenceAssertion(object): """ Represents Conditional Independence or Independence assertion. Each assertion has 3 attributes: event1, event2, event3. The attributes for .. math:: U \perp X, Y | Z is read as: Random Variable U is independent of X and Y given Z would be: event1 = {U} event2 = {X, Y} event3 = {Z} Parameters ---------- event1: String or List of strings Random Variable which is independent. event2: String or list of strings. Random Variables from which event1 is independent event3: String or list of strings. Random Variables given which event1 is independent of event2. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import IndependenceAssertion >>> assertion = IndependenceAssertion('U', 'X') >>> assertion = IndependenceAssertion('U', ['X', 'Y']) >>> assertion = IndependenceAssertion('U', ['X', 'Y'], 'Z') >>> assertion = IndependenceAssertion(['U', 'V'], ['X', 'Y'], ['Z', 'A']) Public Methods -------------- get_assertion """ def __init__(self, event1=[], event2=[], event3=[]): """ Initialize an IndependenceAssertion object with event1, event2 and event3 attributes. event2 ^ event1 / event3 ^ / ^ | / | (U || X, Y | Z) read as Random variable U is independent of X and Y given Z. --- """ if event1 and not event2: raise ValueError('event2 needs to be specified') if any([event2, event3]) and not event1: raise ValueError('event1 needs to be specified') if event3 and not all([event1, event2]): raise ValueError('event1' if not event1 else 'event2' + ' needs to be specified') self.event1 = frozenset(self._return_list_if_str(event1)) self.event2 = frozenset(self._return_list_if_str(event2)) self.event3 = frozenset(self._return_list_if_str(event3)) def __str__(self): if self.event3: return('({event1} _|_ {event2} | {event3})'.format(event1=', '.join(self.event1), event2=', '.join(self.event2), event3=', '.join(self.event3))) else: return('({event1} _|_ {event2})'.format(event1=', '.join(self.event1), event2=', '.join(self.event2))) __repr__ = __str__ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, IndependenceAssertion): return False return ((self.event1, self.event2, self.event3) == other.get_assertion() or (self.event2, self.event1, self.event3) == other.get_assertion()) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((frozenset((self.event1, self.event2)), self.event3)) @staticmethod def _return_list_if_str(event): """ If variable is a string returns a list containing variable. Else returns variable itself. """ if isinstance(event, six.string_types): return [event] else: return event
[docs] def get_assertion(self): """ Returns a tuple of the attributes: variable, independent_of, given. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.independencies import IndependenceAssertion >>> asser = IndependenceAssertion('X', 'Y', 'Z') >>> asser.get_assertion() """ return self.event1, self.event2, self.event3
def latex_string(self): return ('%s \perp %s \mid %s' % (', '.join(self.event1), ', '.join(self.event2), ', '.join(self.event3)))